We’ve all said it and it’s possible you’ve said it today already. “I hate my job!!”
It can often be said with frustration, a childlike tone, or even anger. After all ‘hate’ is a very strong word.
When we say “I hate my job” I’m not sure we are saying we hate our jobs, though.
We’re not saying that we loathe and despise every single element of the work that we do, or the role that we’re in.
So what do we hate? And is it hate that’s really the overriding feeling?
If you are in a position where you feel like you hate your job, take a moment, right now. Let the feelings settle, in silence for a few seconds. What comes to mind? Is it that you really dislike your work, or is it a frustration with the person or people you work for and/or with?
When you say ‘hate’ think about other words might you replace that with - for example, “I’m frustrated in my job” “My boss really winds me up” “I am so upset about being passed over for promotion it makes me feel angry towards my workload”
You see where I’m going with all that?
Once you’ve got a few feelings moving around where ‘I hate my job’ was sitting, move on to thinking about where that anger seems to be directed. Is it the type of work you do, or is it perhaps the way you’re asked to do it? It might be that you hate the processes, or some software - and those are practical things you might be able to do something about.
I’ve never been the kind of person who can leave work at my desk, and switch off. As a journalist and writer you think about things all the time. Ideas come to you, and you work outside of the normal working hours - happily so.
My brain doesn’t switch off, I am always plotting new ideas - which means hating my job isn’t an option.
Flipping the narrative on your feelings can be useful, too. When you think “I hate my job!” ask yourself what you like or love about it. You could even make a list of the things you enjoy. Starting to make a ‘like list’ will begin to bring some clarity to the hate.
I suspect once you do that, you might even smile to yourself and say ‘Ok, maybe not hate.. but…”
And that’s when the moment of choosing to make some change comes in.
“I hate my job” is often said in the same breath as “I want to quit”. But before you scroll those job ads, or jump on a zoom to hand your notice in, ask yourself what is it you want to quit? Is it being put under too much pressure, is it not being heard, or is it the industry or niche you’re in?
And if, at the end of reading this, you still think “I hate my job!” then come find me on LinkedIn and connect. Update that profile and CV and start thinking about a job you’ll love.
Come say hi on Insta, too - click the link below.