Hello everyone, Merry ‘Twixmas’…
Hopefully you can hear me over the noise of everyone shouting about their goal setting? Their plans for 2022? Their big dream, their big goal, their ‘must do’? Or are you drowning under the weight of people professing that they ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT join in with this goal setting. How ‘getting through’ this period between Christmas and New Year is enough, that doing nothing, planning nothing, is just fine?
I have been listening to the noise of both for days now, and I realised I am in neither camp. Instead, I’m firmly in the middle - neither mega planning nor non-planning. You see, I can’t resist thinking about things when it comes to work. I might be on a walk and have an idea, or cleaning up and have one of those ‘ooh, I could do that’ moments. To say I’m not planning at all would mean ignoring those, I think.
On the other hand, trying to plan the hell out of everything in January has left me stressed. I took the dogs out today for a stroll and as the drizzle frizzed up my hair, the mud splashing up my boots, I realised that I was winding myself up trying to make January work perfectly before it’s even begun. Mixing the fear of no client work with the excitement of what I could do with the time I have to work on Freelance Feels.
I know many of you will be feeling one of these sides of the freelance Venn diagram, so I’m writing a missive of two halves. If you’re planning, read on. If you’re not, scroll down!
It’s exciting! It’s thrilling! There just aren’t enough notepads to contain those plans! If you’re not launching a podcast while writing a book and setting a big goal for your business then you’re connecting, posting and creating. And if that’s your bag right now, keep going!
Planning can be a real buzz - and it can help us. If we like to know what’s going on, planning can be our saviour. Not knowing can be confusing and stressful.
One thing to be wary of is all the other plans of all the other people. Be careful not to get caught up in their big dream or goal. Sit back and think about yours, not the rest of the world’s.
Same goes for sharing it. You don’t have to put it out there just because you’re thinking about doing it. Planning a little bit in secret can be the most thrilling kind.
If you’re wanting to get your January ducks in a row, why not try joining some groups you haven’t already joined, ready to post about yourself and your business in the new year? Curate that social media so you’re following all the right noise. Update your profiles and websites, and even look at some courses or webinars.
(You’ve still got time to sign up to ‘Freelance Fire’, my January group coaching which is all about goal setting and planning for your business! Email me back to find out more).
Planning can create overwhelm, confusion, disappointment before the year has ever begun. You might have done so much planning that you just wish January would stay where it is for now - in the future.
If you get the urge to plan, because it feels like everyone else is, there’s plenty you can do to distract yourself. Why not try…
Cheesy films, watched with your phone on flight mode.
Turning off notifications on your social media or, better still, not checking it at all.
Making a phone call to a friend or family member.
Cooking, then eating!
Going to bed early with a good book.
Walking - I talk about this all the time but for me there is nothing better than the blast of winter air on a walk.
Cover things up - I’ve put a table cloth over my Freelance Feels white board so I can’t stare at it (I stared at it a lot when I was in isolation before Christmas!).
Update your out of office - say you are taking some time away from email. DON’T say when you’ll be back!
Welcome to my spot! As I’ve said, I can’t resist a mini plan, so if this is you, I suggest:
Making notes when you can, just so you remember things
Run ideas past freelance friends
Play around with things - download Canva if you’re considering logos, follow people in the industry you might want to get into
Join in with comments on social to get the buzz of networking
Buy a new notepad - ready for when you do plan again
Most of all, wherever you are in the Venn diagram, enjoy it. Embrace your place, own it, and don’t feel you have to do things anyone else’s way!
Want to chat more about Freelance Fire or coaching in Jan 2022? Reply to this email with ‘Freelance Fire’ or ‘Coaching’ in the subject and let’s chat! Click below for more info on Freelance Fire.
Some other things to try:
Marianne Power is running writing sessions before and after New Year’s Eve which sound perfect for planners and non-planners alike!
I like the idea of a Brainstorm in the Bath!