December: Giving a gift to yourself as a freelancer
We need to be kinder to ourselves right now!
Yes, that’s right, I found a picture of Santa cacti… well, he is the ultimate freelancer, right? More of that another time. Welcome to December, freelance family. I hope you’re well…. (couldn’t resist). This month is all about YOU. Hoorah!
The other day, I was queuing in the post office when I saw a post box where children could send a letter to Santa. I think it’s an official ‘thing’ where you get a reply and everything – and it gave me the idea for this, the final newsletter of 2020: Let’s write our freelance Christmas wish lists and plan the gifts we want to give ourselves as small business owners.
If I may, before I go off on that festive angle, I’d like to say thank you. This time last year I hadn’t considered a newsletter. Then, over Christmas, I decided to launch one, and tentatively sent it out into the world. A year on, it’s teetering on the verge of 1,000 subscribers and I am so grateful to all of you who subscribe, open, read and share this newsletter. It will always be free, however I have got with the programme and signed up to Ko-Fi where you can buy a virtual coffee, or to be festive, mince pie… there’ll be a link at the end.
That kind of ties in with the gifting theme, actually. Because what I want to think about this issue is how we don’t give ourselves things as freelancers. It’s taken me twelve months to ‘dare’ to sign up to Ko-Fi. Emotions ranged from ‘who would pay?’ to ‘is it cheeky?’. Well, I’ve paid into other people’s, I think it’s a nice thing to be able to do. So why wouldn’t anyone pay into mine? You might not, but you get the gist.
But it’s taken me this long to ‘give’ myself the gift of saying ‘Do buy me a Ko-Fi if you feel so inclined’.
And it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I held off for months from committing to my course to train as a business coach. I am currently hesitating over a new computer, even though mine needs an upgrade. Ditto website. I know those things cost money but the idea here is that I am holding off ‘giving’ myself things as a freelancer. Things I’d ask for and get if I were in a ‘staff’ job.
It’s not just physical, money-costing things, though. Days off, time off, lunchbreaks, nice lunches… mainly, TIME. Time for our business, time to reflect, time off, time ‘on’ – for example training, going to webinars, learning stuff, reading books to do with our chose niche. OH, how I feel guilty for reading books about coaching – how is it we can’t see that as work in some way?!
We are particularly bah humbug to ourselves as freelancers, don’t you think? Well, I think so. We compare ourselves, everyday, to everyone else on social media, we struggle and we don’t often get a pat on the back. But we should be patting ourselves on the back!
We should be more generous to ourselves. And I want us all to try, because this year it’s been even harder. We’ve had to wait and see if the government will give us a grant to see us through (I didn’t qualify). We’ve had to keep knocking on doors, and building our brands and hoping the phone will ring.
Before I go into my ‘Freelance Santa’s list’, a quick nod to an actual gift guide if you are shopping – this is compiled by our friend Steve Folland of the Being Freelance community, and has lots of products designed and produced by freelancers. Self gifting from this list also very much permitted! Win-win. It’s a year since I went to see Steve with mince pies to record his episode of the podcast… such a fun day!
So what about the non-practical things? The wellbeing, self-care things? The mental health things? We can give ourselves the same kindness we give other freelancers, for sure. We can give ourselves a break – or we can give ourselves the gift of throwing ourselves into the (virtual) party spirit. We might give ourselves the gift of a lie-in, of quiet time, of more walks or more rest. The gift of silence, if we want it, or the gift of sorting out our office space. There’s the gift of coaching or counselling, if we feel we need it, or the gift of finding peace with someone or something in our freelance life. The gift of saying ‘no’ or ‘no more’ to a client or piece of work that doesn’t serve us or fit with our values.
[x-head] The gift of time
One of the biggest things we can give ourselves is time off or on. On, I hear you say? What does she mean, on? Well, not all of us want to stop, do we? Sometimes this time of year can be super productive for our freelance business.
This is a lovely article about why we need to take time off at Christmas from Freelance website Underpinned. You might think ‘BUT I HAVE TO WORK’ – however, this article argues otherwise, and might inspire you to start finding some time for yourself by the end of this month.
Conversely, if you want to ramp things up, or focus on a new project (hey, you’re talking to the freelancer who spent last Twixtmas setting up a newsletter) then that’s fine too. The point here is you’re giving yourself what YOU want and need as a freelancer this festive season.
If now’s the time for you to be ploughing ahead, then you do that! But I urge you to keep the mince pies handy, to take regular breaks and to not burn the festive candle at both ends when it comes to work.
So to inspire you, here’s my own list. If you feel so inclined, write yours, share it on social and tag me, @freelance_feels and I’ll repost or share on stories.
What I’m giving myself this Christmas as a freelancer:
1. Time and space – not ‘off’ but ‘down’. To think, to plan, for ME and my business rather than working for a client. I’m still putting out feelers and saying I’m available from January, so I don’t feel like I’m saying no to any future work!
2. Fresh air – I talk a lot about walking as I do it more now thanks to the puppies but daily, or twice daily, walks, have been a mental health game changer for me.
3. Permission not to work with brands and clients who treat me like crap.
4. That website upgrade. Just need to choose between the quotes I gathered, now!
5. A pat on the back. To say well done for getting through this year of all years. For getting up every morning and saying ‘come on then, freelancing, let’s be having you’.
Podcast news…
The Freelance Feels podcast is back and guests so far have included Rob Law, who founded Trunki, journalist Rachel Spencer, who helps pet brands get publicity and SEO Queen Maddy Shine. Coming soon are Tom Chapman from Lion’s Barbers, a mental health initiative for men, Bec Seal (author of SOLO) and Gemma Bray, the Organised Mum. Listen to the pod by searching ‘Freelance Feels’ wherever you download, or on Spotify.
I’ve been on a pod, too! Listen to me chat about moving from the city to the countryside and the effect on my business in the Freelance Heroes podcast. Thanks to Ed Goodman for having me as a guest.
Group Coaching: Relight your Freelance Fire in January 2021
And finally, as they say, news on my coaching! I am running a four-week group coaching course, Relight your freelance fire, in January. It’ll run for the whole month, with weekly course notes, optional group Zoom and a 15-minute 1:1 coaching session with me. As I’m now three months into my training, it will cost you, but less than it will once I’m trained! It’s £99 for the course - if you’re interested, please contact me at and I can put your name on the list. I’m still sorting how payment will work!
As always if you enjoyed this, please click below to share. Feel free to screen grab any of this and tag me on social, too. I’ll see you in January and wishing you all a fantastic festive season, whatever your freelance!