Here in the UK, the signs of spring are starting to show - from the actual shoots and flowers in the soil and lawns, to the lighter evenings, the sunsets that come as the world shifts once more, and the sound of birdsong. It’s time to come out of hibernation, too, my fellow freelancers!
It doesn’t have to be spring where you are for you to be ditching the hibernation vibes. This isn’t just about seasons, it’s about shedding, about regrouping and about focusing on forwards, the things in front of you, not the things that are behind you.
I know, I know, you might not be feeling like it. But there comes a time when we have to try and shake off the dust and re-group. To look at what we’re doing, who we work with and how things are working for us, and reassess. To shake off the comfort blankets and come out of hiding. To launch, to go for it, to, as my friend Rachel often says, ‘Put on our big girl/boy pants’. (This is a phrase it’s taken me a long time to get used to! But I am so here for it now, and even have actual big girl pants I wear when I’ve got a scary task to do.)
I am writing this as I’ve decided to come out a time of hibernation, too. I’ve been coasting, partly distracted by the lure of full-time jobs, confused as to my direction. I actually had some coaching (with the fab Fay Blakey) which helped me find clarity on where I wanted to take my business.
I am morphing from ‘freelance’ to ‘Self-employed’ and it’s strange, as I’ve always been freelance. I feel like the bulbs I planted back in winter - the thoughts, the notes, the vague plans and ideas - are now pushing through the soil and I like the look of what’s growing! I’m launching something new which will focus on the Cotswolds, a venture with a membership, coaching, advice and helping Cotswolds-owned and Costwolds-based businesses with their visibility, publicity and growing awareness, followers and clients. It’s called See you in the Cotswolds and you can join the mailing list over on Mailchimp.
It’s still a shoot, just poking through the surface, but it feels exciting!
Do we ever stop plotting and planning as freelancers? I feel that we don’t - but we have to keep tending to things, mixing things up, curating and weeding. With that in mind, here’s my Spring post-hibernation check list:
When did you last change up or edit your bios across social media? Now’s the time! Is it clear? Does it describe what you do? Are you clear on what you offer, your USP? Is there a clear link to what you want people to go to next?
Talking of social media, I am really getting into LinkedIn and, if you haven’t, I suggest giving it some of your attention, especially if you’re a writer. There are LOADS of jobs and opportunities on there that I don’t see anywhere else!
There’s still time to grab a ticket for the next CV workshop for freelance writers, journalists and copywriters, on March 2nd at 11.30am. Come and work on your CV in real time, and find out how to harness your writing skills to big YOURSELF up like you do for all those clients and interviewees! Tickets are £35 and bookable via Eventbrite You can also book a CV one on one coaching session for £49.
Admit it, you’ve let the regular newsletter slip under the radar. What better way to get out of hibernation than to re-commit to a regular mail out to all those eager readers?
Now’s the time to go out there, meet people in person, share what you do, be you IRL. Depending on where you are in the country or world, you’ll need to do some searching, but there are some great groups and meet ups, depending on how formal you want things to be. I can see my business growing thanks to networking, and I would love to know where you network and how!
Yeah, Jenny, you would say that… but, well, just think - if you started coaching this month, by the end of April you’d have clarity, increased confidence, new goals, a plan for Spring, Summer and beyond. Read testimonials to find out how it’s helped previous clients and get in touch if you’d like to set up a discovery call with me.
If I don’t feel we’re the right fit, I know LOTS of other coaches I can put you in touch with, too.
And finally, if you need a distraction from work, I recommend Good Boy Ollie on TikTok
See you in April!